Your Baby’s First and Best Teacher

By resodev - December 16, 2024

Welcome to the Turbo Babies Community Blog! Turbo Babies wants to make sure babies are on track from birth to three and gives you the tools needed to help your baby learn, grow, and thrive.

We hear all the time that parents don’t feel equipped to teach their baby, but you don’t have to be a schoolteacher to help your baby learn and develop. In fact, YOU are especially positioned to be your baby’s first and best teacher. From the earliest days, babies are active processors, not passive vessels: they can engage in give-and-take social exchanges with others.

Taking time throughout the day to talk, sing, read, play, and even cuddle with your baby can help them get, and stay on track, developmentally.

These four Turbo Tips remind us of simple ways to promote baby’s healthy development:

  • TUNE IN Tune in and listen to your baby’s coos, cries, laughs, sounds, and words. Your baby is naturally curious. Notice what he or she is focused on and react.
  • TALK & REPEAT Talk, sing, and read to your baby often using a variety of words, then repeat. Be your baby’s storyteller by describing what you see or do during everyday activities.
  • TAKE TURNS Take turns with your baby. After you talk, pause and allow time for your baby to respond with sounds, gestures, and eventually words. You’ll find your baby has a lot to say.
  • TAKE TIME Take time to connect with your baby throughout the day. Routines of daily life offer everyday moments to interact – mealtime, bath time, bedtime, even diaper changes.

To find fun and developmentally appropriate activities to rev up your baby’s learning, visit our activities page and select your baby’s age.